In order to proceed with the Account Verification process, you will need to click here and upload one of the below listed documents (photographed or scanned) out of the two following categories:
1. Identity documents:
- Color copies of the front and back side of your identity card or your international passport.
2. Proof of residence documents:
- Recent utility bills that clearly display their date of issue
- Recent bank statement
- Certificate of permanent residence from the local Municipality
- Clearance note IRS (latest year) - please cover the financial data, since they are confidential
- Registration number issuance certificate
- Permit of Residence (valid)
- Tenancy agreement submitted online via TAXISnet
- Certificate of residence for special use
- E1 Income Tax form (incl. E1 Registration Number)
- AMKA (Social Security number) certificate
- OAED (Labour Employment Office) certificate
- EFKA (Unified Social Security Fund) tax clearance certificate
Note: All the above documents must have a date of issue within the last 6 months. Your address and name, the bearer of the document and the date of issue should also be clear and visible.
To be directed to the Verification page, you can click here