How will I know if I have a gambling addiction problem?

If you are concerned that gambling has had a negative impact on your or someone else's life, then the following questions may help you find out more about your gambling behavior and whether it is problematic or not.

  • Have you ever neglected your studies or work due to gambling?
  • Do you gamble to pass time or out of boredom?
  • Do you play alone and for long periods of time?
  • Have others ever criticized your gambling?
  • Have you ever lost interest in family, friends or hobbies due to gambling?
  • Has it ever happened to you to lie, borrow or even steal money to cover gambling losses?
  • Has it ever happened to you to lie, borrow or even steal money for gambling?
  • Are you reluctant to spend money allocated for gambling on other goals?
  • Do you gamble until you lose all your money?
  • After losing, do you feel the need to play as soon as possible to cover losses?
  • Are there times that gambling follows after arguments, frustrations or disappointments?
  • Does gambling cause you depression or suicidal thoughts?
  • Do you gamble to pay for your debts or solve your financial problems?
  • Has it ever happened to you to lie about the amount and time spent on gambling?

The more questions that you answer 'yes' to, the more likely it is that you are having difficulties with your gambling.

Self-evaluation Test

You can also visit our page for Responsible Gambling, where you can learn how to set limits to your account or how to adjust your activity so you may have a better sense of safe gambling. Υou can find our page here.

To speak with someone who can give you professional advice and support, please contact one of the organizations detailed below:

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